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Future Shock Elizabeth Briggs Books

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Future Shock Elizabeth Briggs Books

Future Shock is fun, exciting, and diverse! Elena is approaching her eighteenth birthday, which as a foster kid means she'll soon be broke and homeless unless she can find a job. She's having no luck, but then someone from the Aether Corporation asks her to participate in a study. She figures she'll watch some videos, take some surveys, and then get some easy money. Nope. She and four other teens are being sent into the future to bring back information on technology. That is, if their minds survive the trip.

Time Travel is one of my favorite things, and I think Future Shock does it really well. It's definitely a more simple version than I've read previously, but it works. Basically, Aether Corporation created a molecule accelerator. They set it, shove something through, and it goes forward in time. Then they come back when the portal opens a set amount of time later. There is no backwards travel! That would create too many problems and just isn't possible. Maybe that's a cop-out, but it makes perfect sense to me.

Future Shock is super fast-paced and I never got a chance to get bored with it. Elena and the other teens arrive in the future, and things are not at all how they expected it. No one is there to greet them, and things are just generally completely different from the present time. Obviously this means that things aren't exactly on the up and up, and these teens aren't stupid so they try to learn what's going on and what happens to them. It's all very suspenseful and I never guessed at what was coming next!

Future Shock has a few twists and turns, so I don't want to accidentally give those away. Just know that this is a really fun and quick read. Nothing too outrageous happens, and everything felt plausible. The only thing that kind of annoyed me was that there are no chapter breaks. There's a short section set in the present, then most of it is in the future, and then a short section back in the present. Luckily I was able to read it in one sitting anyway.

*Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley for review. No compensation was offered or accepted.

Read Future Shock Elizabeth Briggs Books

Tags : Future Shock (9780807526828): Elizabeth Briggs: Books,Elizabeth Briggs,Future Shock,AW Teen,0807526827,Science Fiction - General,Fate and fatalism,Interpersonal relations;Fiction.,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Time travel,Time travel;Fiction.,Young adult fiction,Children's BooksAll Ages,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Family - Orphans & Foster Homes,Fiction-Science Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,Time travel; California; science fiction; friendship; trust; technology; teen; YA,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family Orphans & Foster Homes,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Time Travel,Young Adult FictionScience Fiction - Time Travel

Future Shock Elizabeth Briggs Books Reviews

Oh hell yeah. FUTURE SHOCK just... wow. Amazing. Fast paced and thrilling and smart. I mean, the story goes zero-to-sixty immediately. I was thrown straight into the plot in the most beautiful and seamless way. Time travel isn't an easy thing to pull off, and Briggs does it brilliantly. She paints a picture of the future that's somehow both fun and scary, believable and fantastic. Moving tattoos (that turn out to be something even cooler), sleek futuristic cars, where cloning pets seems to be standard practice...

And the mystery. I couldn't put the book down because I was dying to figure out who'd done what and when--and why. It's completely nuts, what these teens go to the future and try to figure out.

Elena, the main character, is a total badass from the very start. She's been dealt a rough hand with life, but she's a fighter and she's snarky and clever and someone I would love, love to know in real life. (Damn fictional characters...) And the secondary cast is a group of messed up, vividly flushed out, amazing characters, all worth rooting for. (Well, almost all. There is a villain of course--but even this character has some redeeming qualities.)

The prose is perfect for a time travel thriller, and it will make you sharply feel the scenes as they go by. For example "Darkness swallows me, the claustrophobic, crushing kind of pitch-black oblivion that makes your skin crawl."

Car chases and cops. A tender romance and intense standoffs. A plot that will send you spinning...

Bottom line If you're looking for an exciting and engaging read, look no further.
This novel drew me in right away because it combines two of my favorite genres -- science fiction, and young adult fiction. Besides, I love the very striking cover! So, right away, my expectations soared for a great reading experience!

I'm very happy to say that I was not disappointed in the least. Briggs delivers an exciting, riveting tale with wonderful characters and non-stop action. At the same time, she skillfully weaves in social commentary, as well as philosophical speculations about the nature of Time, into the plot, without being in the least bit boring. She even includes romance and a mystery -- some of the teen characters have been murdered in present time, something they discover when they travel to the future. So, in addition to their mission, they must also attempt to solve this mystery, so as to prevent the murders from taking place.

The world-building is totally awesome, due to its intricate detail. It's entirely believable, as well; the author's extrapolations from today's technology are indeed very plausible. I was especially impressed with the developments in future Internet technology Briggs envisioned. They were also rather scary, as they reflected an increasing intrusion on individual privacy. Unfortunately, I can see them happening within a span of less than 30 years -- perhaps 10 or 15, instead.

The whole setup of this story is just incredibly fascinating, as well as addictive. The characters are thrown into the future with very little preparation, other than the vague instruction to get information about future technology. From there, they basically have to wing it. The reader is never certain that they will manage to survive, as well as alter the inevitable course of their own lives. I was totally unable to put the book down, spending every available moment on it, driving relentlessly forward until I finally finished it.

Briggs's narration is very descriptive, very visual. The whole novel unfolded before me in a series of mental pictures. In fact, I would love it if this book were to be made into a movie! I would definitely be one of the first people in line!

Briggs has wonderfully brought her characters to life. She is really able to get into their heads so perfectly that we think and feel what they do. This is a great author's crowning achievement, and Briggs can definitely be categorized as a great author!

The female protagonist, Elena Martinez, is just the sort of underdog character I LOVE to see triumph in the end. Born with a photographic memory, she feels like an outcast everywhere she goes. I immediately found myself relating to her because of this. Adding to her appeal is the fact that she's Mexican, a foster kid who has already seen too much of the rough, seedy side of life. What's really great about her is that she's a scrapper. She's willing to fight for what she considers right, and will just not give up. Beneath her outer toughness, though, there's a very sensitive, very intelligent young woman who is determined to not let her previous sad experiences get the best of her. She's the one who emerges as the leader of the group of teens sent into the future. Her determination, resourcefulness, and courage end up saving the day. In fact, the whole plot really hinges on her. Of course, she's not perfect, but she realizes that she needs to work on her flaws. Her good qualities, though, more than compensate for these flaws. I just can't say enough great things about her!

Adam O'Neill, the brilliant young scientist who falls in love with Elena, is also a wonderful character. He hides a great sorrow in his life, which is his motivation for joining the time-travel mission. He's such an understanding person, especially with Elena. Right away, he's able to see beyond her rough exterior to her inner vulnerability. At no point in the novel does he talk down to her, or attempt to control her in any way. He respects and admires her, becoming her staunchest ally as the novel progresses. Even when he seems to have betrayed her, Elena still trusts him, just because of his innate goodness. I also like that he's a very down-to-earth guy. He never brags about his intelligence, or even about his future scientific accomplishments.

The romance between Elena and Adam is very sweet, although, in this first novel of the series, it's not developed very far. That's because the mission, and the solving of the mystery central to the novel, take priority. Since there are more books to come, I'm sure Briggs will take this relationship further. Still, there is some sizzling passion in this first novel!

The secondary characters were fantastic, as well! Sometimes, such characters can actually make a novel less enjoyable. That's definitely not the case here! Chris, Trent, and Zoe come across as such vivid, likable people! Chris and Trent were antagonistic toward Adam at the beginning of the mission. As the plot developed, however, it was really wonderful to see how they, along with the other three teens, really pulled together, and started working as a team. I especially liked Chris, because of his sincere concern for the future of his son. As for Zoe, she was a talented artist, so right away I liked her, too! She was pretty shy, and yet, was nevertheless willing to go beyond her comfort zone in order to help the group succeed in their mission. I initially liked Trent the least, but in the end, he turned out to be a pretty good guy.

Another great thing about this novel is that Aether Corporation, the technology company behind the time travel experiment, is not described as a ruthless, uncaring entity, interested only in profits. Their scientists are realistically portrayed as regular -- although brilliant -- people who make mistakes. Some of them might be in it only for the money, but not all of them fit this cliché.

Overall, I was thoroughly delighted with this novel, which I know I will re-read sometime in the near future! It's really got everything -- romance, a very detailed future scenario, mystery, and nail-biting suspense! I'm SO anxiously looking forward to the release of "Future Threat", the next installment in this very exciting, amazing series!!
Future Shock is fun, exciting, and diverse! Elena is approaching her eighteenth birthday, which as a foster kid means she'll soon be broke and homeless unless she can find a job. She's having no luck, but then someone from the Aether Corporation asks her to participate in a study. She figures she'll watch some videos, take some surveys, and then get some easy money. Nope. She and four other teens are being sent into the future to bring back information on technology. That is, if their minds survive the trip.

Time Travel is one of my favorite things, and I think Future Shock does it really well. It's definitely a more simple version than I've read previously, but it works. Basically, Aether Corporation created a molecule accelerator. They set it, shove something through, and it goes forward in time. Then they come back when the portal opens a set amount of time later. There is no backwards travel! That would create too many problems and just isn't possible. Maybe that's a cop-out, but it makes perfect sense to me.

Future Shock is super fast-paced and I never got a chance to get bored with it. Elena and the other teens arrive in the future, and things are not at all how they expected it. No one is there to greet them, and things are just generally completely different from the present time. Obviously this means that things aren't exactly on the up and up, and these teens aren't stupid so they try to learn what's going on and what happens to them. It's all very suspenseful and I never guessed at what was coming next!

Future Shock has a few twists and turns, so I don't want to accidentally give those away. Just know that this is a really fun and quick read. Nothing too outrageous happens, and everything felt plausible. The only thing that kind of annoyed me was that there are no chapter breaks. There's a short section set in the present, then most of it is in the future, and then a short section back in the present. Luckily I was able to read it in one sitting anyway.

*Disclaimer I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley for review. No compensation was offered or accepted.
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